If you wish to be free, shun the cravings of the senses. Seek the
nectar of truth, of love and forgiveness, simplicity and happiness.
If you wish to be free, know you are the Self, the witness of all, the
Heart of Awareness. You will at once be happy, forever still, forever
Joy and sorrow, these
are of the mind only. They are not yours. It is not really you who acts
or enjoys. You are everywhere, forever free. The single witness of all
But if you see yourself as separate, then you are
bound. "I do this. I do that." The big black snake of selfishness has
bitten you!
Know you are one, pure awareness. With the fire of
this conviction, burn down the forest of ignorance. Free yourself from
sorrow. Be happy! For you are joy, unbounded joy. You are awareness
The Self looks like the world, but this is just an illusion. The Self is everywhere. One. Still. Free. Perfect.
Awareness without action, clinging or desire. Meditate on the Self. One
without two. Give up the illusion of the separate self. Give up the
feeling, within or without, that you are this or that.
you think you are the body, for a long time you have been bound. Know
you are Pure Awareness, your Nature is Pure Awareness. You are flowing
in all things, and all things are flowing in you.
~ The Ashtavakra Gita ~
Thomas Byron translation
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