I Never Really Liked "Thinking In Boxes"

Our Universe exists as a unified field or whole. Energy swirling as atoms, giving rise to molecules, forming galaxies, stars, planets, mountains, rivers and the bodies of all living beings. If this is so, why do we not "see" the world this way, experience our lives for the miracle it is?

Only cultural myths and beliefs stand in the way. Dualistic and compartmentalized thoughts we have been taught since childhood, stand-alone concepts that divide "All That Is" into separate parts to which we give names - Science here, Art & Religion over there, Entertainment here, Education there, Humans here, Nature "out" there.

Work time, play time, school time, study time. Children segregated by age into boxes, adults segregated- by careers, nationalities and socio-economic status- into boxes in our heads...

If you can open your mind to the Unity that exists beyond the maze, your Consciousness begins to transcend such categories of thought. One's sense of individualized identity drops away.

Awareness then begins to awaken to the deeper reality and deeper identity that has been here all the time. An ever-present Unified & Creative Mystery expressing itself as all of us- to which we have always belonged- but had been blind to, and just didn't see...

~ Christopher ~
Creative Systems Thinking 


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